A little bit about me
Designer, developer, actor, nerd. I’ve been using these words to describe myself for several years. Designing and developing websites allows me to unite two great passions of mine: creating art and solving problems.
I’ve had a fascination with computers since I was a boy. I remember learning DOS commands on the workstations at my parents’ offices, playing games like Frogger and Chessmaster 2000 on our first home PC, and tweaking boot conditions to eke out a little extra performance without the overhead of Windows 3.1. To me, computers were tools meant to be explored, with potentially limitless possibilities.
I’m a classically-trained actor and a self-taught developer. Both sets of skills are driven by a thirst for understanding. I really want to get what makes something work, then be able to reproduce that, either eight times a week onstage or consistently regardless of device through a website.
Just like in theatre, collaboration is the key to a successful website. I work together with my clients to find the best way to express their own creativity. I am committed to delivering dependable results, built on proven technology, powered by open source software.